Sunday, 21 June 2015

Staycation Week 2

Music: I really have to go to more gigs and concerts and this week definitely improved my credibility a small bit............maybe. Back when I was in college three of my friends went to see Black Stone Cherry in Dublin and played them non stop for weeks after, so I decided I would SOMEDAY go and see them. A few weeks ago I was walking by The Pav in Cork and I saw they were playing there. I looked it up and they were also playing in The Academy and I guessed my friend who went to the first concert ( I had to ask him via Snapchat, hes too cool for facebook now...)

Live at The Marquee hosted The Coronas twice and my friend was heading to see them the second date  so I decided I'd head off to see them aswell. I saw them once before the week before my Leaving Certificate results,so like 2009.

If anyone knows who both of these bands are, you'll know how different those bands are. One is a proper rock band from Kentucky and the other is a pop rock band from Dublin.
I loved both so much though. I wouldn't listen to them as much as I once did, but I was still able to sing along to 90% of the songs and grinned so much when I realised I knew them as well as I did before. I almost cried at both gigs and loved each gig so so so much, both bands are as good live as they are on their album, and you can see how much they enjoy their own gigs which is one of the best things to watch

P.S if you're ever in Dublin and looking for somewhere to eat Smokin' Bones on Dame Street is so good I had the chicken sandwich with the Bourbon mash (carbs and Bourbon are two of my favourite things)

Books: So yes I finished Paper Towns, nothing to write home about. I am about 10 years over the target audience, and really I started reading Danielle Steele when I was 12, probably not the best idea but there we go, a perfectly ok book, which will be made into a perfectly ok movie that I won't see. My housemate has The Little Prince (the book) and he has let me borrow it, it is adorable and I am actually enjoying it more than Paper towns actually.. ha ha, my friend has it in french and I will read that too..when my french gets better....its definitely is improving slowly but surely..... I've promised a french man an entire french a year ha

TV/Movies: I was doing so well with my movies, but with going to Dublin and...recovering from Dublin and the other concert, I only managed one movie this week The Prince of Egypt, which is way way darker than I remember it (the last time I saw it was about 8 years ago, but still) I did see half of Eyes Wide Shut, and I will watch the rest of that in the coming week..
I'm up to episode 11 of Orange is the New black, its as good as the previous  two seasons I think anyway.

I was never the cool kid that hung out with a load of other kids in the park but yesterday my housemate and I went to Fitzgeralds park with wine in travel mugs and bags of MATE (its an argentinian loose tea, not entirely mad on the stuff but its interesting all the same). It was nice to hang out, just people watching..

photo source

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