Monday, 28 July 2014

Lit Nit Wit: The Lincoln Lawyer

Does it annoy anyone when they borrow/ buy books and they turn out to be not something you like at all?? The last two books I've read  have been like that and then I get kinda annoyed at myself for picking them. Thankfully I redeemed myself when I spotted and bought The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly. I got this book for three reasons:
1: It has Matthew McConaughey on the cover,
2: I figured it had to have been a good book if they made it into a movie
3: It cost approximately 1.50

Mickey  Haller is a twice divorced Defense Attorney who doesn't quite do things by the book but he's so likeably and funny and suave he gets away with it. He works for anyone who can pay, doesn't discriminate, and usually can wrangle anyone's charge down with a smirk and a good knowledge of the legal politics.

He is called in to defend a high paying client who claims innocence on the charges that are put before him but as Mickey starts to investigate is the Prince Charming as squeaky  clean as he claims??

I really liked this book I read it in one night shift!! I didn't think I'd be into this crime fiction stuff but this and I am Pilgrim are converting me, an easy read without being like chick lit-y, not that I have anything against chick lit!! :)

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