Sunday, 9 February 2014

Show and Tell 3

Keira from A Pretty Penny used a big long list of words to tell her audience about how she's feeling, what's she's loving and generally how she's getting on and I thought I'd borrow the list and answer some of them too.

Making : Decisions so I'll have more things to do 
Cooking : More and more, not just using packets, trying Sorted Food for more ideas
Drinking : More water because I know I'm so dehydrated :/
ReadingHalf of a Yellow Sun, Lit Nit Wit to follow when finished, enjoying it :)
Wanting: More good weather after ALL the rain we've had the last two weeks.

Spring is a coming 
Looking: Forward to doing more new things this week (IT stuff FTW)
PlayingHay Day unashamedly far far too much.
Enjoying: Zombies, run. Prepping for the apocalypse.... or just running cause I love Choclate  
Wondering: What is going to happen in the next few months, a lot of possibilities!
Loving: I've started knitting again, don't know what I'm making but I am doing it 
Wearing: my varsity jacket and admitting I bought it to look like Sulley 
Giggling: At my brother "Is rubbing alcohol, when you give a beer bottle a massage" 

Ps.  I've tried my face mask and I love it, only wear it for about 5 minutes because the lemon-juice can be harsh, I used the Benefit's emulsion after. It makes my face feel amazing!!

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