I've always been lucky with my skin. As a teenager I never had many breakouts or anything like that. my biggest problem has always been the sides of my nose are very dry and (ewww I know) but it can be like blackhead central. So in January 'Operation Blackhead' was commenced (Yes I did name it, judge away). So off I headed to Boots (I do slightly adore the new huge one in Cork) and spotted 'No Clogs allowed' by my true love Soap and Glory.
I had never bought a proper face mask before this but knew from my obsession with you tube and beauty blogs it was the way to go. The mask has self heating abilitie and has little granules which are not too rough at all and are perfect for clearing out pores and sorting imperfections out. I used this 2-3 a week and have only this week run out, a repurchase is on the cards. My only slight issue was that the packaging ripped, but when I called into Boots to make sure its still there, I saw it was repackaged so hopefully that won't be an issue anymore.
Over the summer, I believed my 'No Clogs Allowed' was almost empty (how wrong I was) so I took this as an excuse to go on to Boots and see what other masks and face products were around. When I bought 'Scrub your Nose in it' I didn't actually realise it was a mask until I read the back of the tube. Now before I start describing this I do want to stress I do really like this scrub/mask, but it happens to smell and feel slightly.....like Cif, the cleaning product.... I was slightly worried the first time I used it, but then I looked in the mirror and my face did look well, results are results.
I am fairly lazy when it comes to skin care and things like that, so I do as much (in fact nearly all ) in the shower. I put a face mask, a hair mask ( currently using Herbal Essence Beautiful Ends) and then I use my Soap and Glory Clean on Me, which advises you to turn the shower off and when I'm done I rinse everything off and in my head I've saved time and its my routine.
If I had to pick between the two, I would choose No Clogs allowed (operation Blackhead has been a grand success as a result of it and my face never feels tight or red after)
What Soap and Glory Products are your Fave?
Whats your fave mask???